Ice Cream 冰淇淋 - 美食英語筆記 001
Tiffany Young Helps Me Find The Best Ice Cream In Los Angeles
- macaron 馬卡龍
- fanatic 狂熱的
- soft serve 霜淇淋
- texture 口感
- flavor 味道
- sweets 甜食
- matcha 抹茶
- Gingerbread 薑餅
- mint 薄荷
- chip 碎片 / 脆片
- mint chip 薄荷脆片
- chewy 嚼勁 / 耐嚼 / 不易嚼碎
- dough 麵糰
- fillings 餡料口味 / 內餡
- waffle 鬆餅(外觀有一格一格的)
- pancake 鬆餅(外觀扁平狀)
- custard 卡仕達
- ice cream sandwich 冰淇淋三明治
- Banana Split 香蕉船冰淇淋
- Red Velvet cookies 紅絲絨餅乾
- Fruity Pebble cookies 水果殼片餅乾
- Blood Orange Sorbet 血橙雪酪 (Sorbet:a sweet food made from fruit juice, water, and sugar mixed together and frozen)
- too much flavor 味道太重
- signature flavor 招牌口味
- pretty deep 相當濃郁(味道)
- Honey lavender 蜂蜜薰衣草
- Black sesame 黑芝麻
- waffle cone 冰淇淋甜筒
- bungeo-ppang 鯛魚燒
- mind-boggling 難以想像的;十分驚人的
I have some street cred with macarons.